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Meeting 25

Title: K-modes

Date: 29/03/2019

Time: 5 pm     

Location: Zoom Conference Call

Attendees: Sofian Ghazali, Rahul Balamurugan, Zahid Kamil

Absences: None


Action Items: How to create anomalous data and visualize these clusters

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Create anomalous data

  2. Visualize clusters

Discussion and Notes:

The meeting was focused on how to create anomalous data. The anomalous data created should not resemble the same data that we have. However, we do not know how anomalous data looks like so we have to assume what the data could have. We assume that it would have IP addresses that are not used in the normal BACnet data that was collected from Qatar University. This is how we can check if all our hardwork on the preprocessing and the machine learning model would pay off or else we would have to start from scratch again.

Next, we also need to determine how the clusters would look like. We know that only two features can be represented in a 2-dimensioal axis and we have 76 features so we opted to move with bar graphs using the python library of seaborn.

Next meeting action items:​

  1. Generate Anomalous data

Meeting Adjournment: 6:30 pm

Meeting Minutes prepared by: Zahid Kamil

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