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Meeting 29

Title: Meeting with Dr. Boutros

Date: 12/04/2020

Time: 1 pm     

Location: Zoom Conference Call

Attendees: Sofian Ghazali, Rahul Balamurugan, Zahid Kamil

Absences: None


Action Items: Make changes to project based on advice

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Present project progress to Dr. Boutros

  2. Consult on k-modes, silhouette selection of clusters, and dissimilarity measures

  3. Consult next steps

  4. Verify if testing methods are valid under the present circumstances

Discussion and Notes:

Planned since a few days ago, the meeting was originally to be held the previous evening but had to be pushed to its present time due to Dr. Boutros' schedule. The main point he commented on was the lack of equipment to test the model on, due to which he said our current method of testing by creating an anomalous data set were valid. He approved of us using the Jaccard score for k-modes as well. 

Dr. Boutros recommended we focus on frequency anomaly detection as well and that we not change the program much, simply adding a separate module. Since the preprocessing was fairly simple given the data was numerical, we were all in consensus of following through by completing the module using k-means and a similar anomaly detection algorithm as the one we designed for message anomalies.

Next meeting action items:​

  1. Practicing for second presentation

Meeting Adjournment: 2:20 pm

Meeting Minutes prepared by: Rahul Balamurugan

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