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Meeting 30

Title: Presentation 2 preparation

Date: 12/04/2019

Time: 7 pm     

Location: Zoom Conference Call

Attendees: Sofian Ghazali, Rahul Balamurugan, Zahid Kamil

Absences: None


Action Items: Prepare PowerPoint slides,

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Discuss negative aspects of last time's presentation and feedback from course instructors

  2. Re-work slides into presentable state

  3. Remove data tables and bunches of text

  4. Apportion the slides to each team member

  5. Rehearse presentation and timing

Discussion and Notes:

The meeting began with a critical analysis of our previous presentation, where all team members mentioned sections they were dissatisfied with. Rahul re-worked the anomaly detection portion with additional information, and commented on the data tables for Zahid to remove or replace. Sofian mentioned the places which seemed overly long and recommended reducing the information on Rahul's sections, while changing the introduction's wordings slightly. Zahid composed the slides for the bulk of the current progress in clustering. 

The team practiced until they got the flow correct and within 10 minutes.

Next meeting action items:​

  1. K-means algorithm optimization and anomaly detection

Meeting Adjournment: 1:00 am 13/04/2020

Meeting Minutes prepared by: Rahul Balamurugan

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