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Meeting 2

Title:  Senior Design Project Hardware + Software Component Discussion

Date: 05/09/2019

Time: 4 pm     

Location: Conference Room CTL


Attendees: Sofian Ghazali, Rahul Balamurugan, Zahid Kamil

Absences: None


Meeting Agenda:

  1.  This meeting will include discussions of the software and hardware components needed for the project

  2. Decided on Machine Learning as tool for anomaly detection in BMS systems

  3. Looking at possible algorithms that would be suitable to our project and the required software for it. Came up with software tools such as python, TensorFlow module for machine learning

  4. Brief discussion on hardware and possibly looking to emulate BACnet devices in the form of raspberry pi stacks


Discussion and Notes:

Sofian was in talks with Shaqfeh (Mentor's research assistant) on collecting data and deciding which ML algorithm to implement for anomaly detection to use. Zahid started researching on hardware components and suggested the idea of raspberry pi stack after discussion with our mentor Dr. Nuweiri. Rahul started researching existing solutions on the market and ways to bring a unique selling point to our project.


Next meeting action items:

  1. To collect information on existing solutions

  2. Make a budget list of components needed

  3. Research extensively on type of ML techniques after obtaining the dataset


Meeting Adjournment: 5:15pm

Meeting Minutes prepared by: Sofian Ghazali

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