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Meeting 11

Title: Final Presentation Design

Date: 03/12/2019

Time: 4:00 pm           

Location: Classroom 211

Attendees: Sofian Ghazali, Rahul Balamurugan, Zahid Kamil

Absences: None

Action Items: Finalize presentation slides, send ppt to Dr. Nuweiri for approval, have first run-through

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Deciding speaker roles

  2. Reviewing slides to decide what to add in the presentation

Discussion and Notes:

This meeting was spontaneous and began with each member reading the assignment rubric. The already prepared slides were first reviewed, and each member offered suggestions to improve the framework and add/delete items. The topics were then self-assigned by the team members after which we had a short run-through of the presentation itself. Suggestions were made on how to explain certain topics and the team critiqued each other’s performance. The slides were shared with Dr. Nuweiri via email for his suggestions. The meeting was adjourned after deciding to meet the next morning to practice the improved version of the presentation.

Next meeting action items:

  1. Practice presentation

  2. Discuss any comments

Meeting Adjournment: 5:40 pm

Meeting Minutes prepared by: Rahul Balamurugan

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