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Meeting 6

Title: Interview + Video design Ideas

Date: 22/10/2019

Time: 4 pm ​

Location: Conference Room CTL


Attendees: Sofian Ghazali, Rahul Balamurugan, Zahid Kamil

Absences: None


Meeting Agenda:


1. This meeting included a discussion of the candidates to interview.

2. It also touched upon the type of questions that need to be prepared in order to resolve issues with our project.


Discussion and Notes:


Sofian was discussing the various candidates who would share their insight into the anomaly detection in BACnet systems. Sofian gave an idea of interviewing staff from local companies who specialize in BMS systems. Rahul mentioned that he was preparing the question set to ask for the interview. This will align very closely to what we asked in the survey, but will be specific to the candidate. Meanwhile, Zahid told he was preparing the general survey and organizing venue and time for interviews. Sofian will assist Zahid and Rahul in writing up the general and technical survey questions. Planning to interview Dr. Issa Khalil again from Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) since only a few minutes were spent with him during our first meeting.     


Next meeting action items:


  1. To meet the local company and ask for possible interview

  2. To prepare the questions so that the team is ready for an interview

  3. Prepare specific technical questions related to AI and ML techniques for Dr. Issa Khalil


Meeting Adjournment: 5:15pm

Meeting Minutes prepared by: Sofian Ghazali

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